Go Bum (Animals)

Ages 5+ , Up to 7 Players
Part# GoBumAnimals


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Due to popular demand, we are super excited to share that a new version of Go Bum is coming out called Go Bum Animals Edition! It’ll have lots more cute and cheeky bum cards, and be a lot of fun to play!

Maggie and Evan teaming up
Maggie has caught the game design bug and has teamed up with Evan to make this new version of Go Bum. She’s done a fantastic job helping with brainstorming bum card ideas, picking the best ideas to include, naming the cards, adding cute details, and the colours used.

The animal bum cards from the original version of Go Bum (illustrated by the talented Dewy Venerius) will now be in Go Bum Animals Edition for future print runs.