Puzzle Card – Squids Game




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Difficulty: Very easy
Average duration: 5 – 30 min
Age rating: 5+ (no association with the TV show)
Skills required:

  • Reading simple English

  • Colouring within lines

  • Ability to recognise and name several sea creatures

While snorkelling with your friends you notice a strange sight. What seems like hundreds of squid floating motionless in the water, as though they have been trained to do so.

Amongst the squid, a deep-sea diver stands next to a treasure chest. He looks like he has been standing there a hundred years. Suddenly he moves, and…

…hands you a note?

How does a puzzle card work?

Puzzle cards are an escape room-type experience in a birthday card. They don’t get their gift until they solve the mystery within.

The scene illustrated within the card contains a sequence of written, visual, and abstract clues. These clues will need to be found and pieced together to solve the puzzle to discover the undersea diver’s favourite sea creature.

This is the perfect birthday card for a child who loves puzzles and under-the-sea animals.